Moonlight Resonance – 溏心风暴之家好月圆

HK TV DRAMA, watch hk drama, Moonlight Resonance
This drama “Moonlight Resonance – 溏心风暴之家好月圆” is about Chung Siu-Hor, discovered that her husband Gan Tai-Cho was having an affair with their employee Yan-Hung. Siu-Hor and Tai-Cho owned a confectionery together known as the Moonlight Bakery. Yan-Hung forces Siu-Hor and Tai-Cho to declare divorce.

After this divorce, Yan-Hung and Tai-Cho take on the Moonlight Bakery name and prove successful, resulting in a family asset totaling HK$1 billion. Meanwhile, Siu-Hor struggles to make a living at the modest bakery she once owned with Tai-Cho. Over the next ten years, Yan-Hung manipulates the family to keep relations hostile.

When Yan-Hung has a miscarriage with Tai-Cho’s baby, she blames Wing-Yuen to make him feel indebted to her. Meanwhile, Siu-Hor’s sister Chung Siu-Sa comes to Hong Kong after divorcing her husband. Siu-Sa is very angry that Siu-Hor let Tai-Cho take the Moonlight Bakery name and decides to sue Yun-Hung and Tai-Cho for the Moonlight Bakery franchise. However, Siu-Sa ultimately loses the court case.

Wing-Ka lacks interest in managing the bakery; instead, he is addicted to the stock market. With Siu-Hor and Hou-Yuet’s encouragement and support, he is able to quit gambling. Wing-Ka eventually falls for his cousin, Siu-Sa’s daughter, Ka Mei.

When she comes back, the two fall in love again. However, the appearance of Dr. Ling Chi Shun causes So-Sum to abandon her feelings for Wing-Ho. She and Chi-Shun begin a relationship, but as it turns out, Chi-Shun already has a girlfriend named Wing-Lam. Despite Chi-Shun not having feelings for Wing-Lam, he feels indebted to her because she had helped him so much in the past.

However, she sees how concerned her family is about her and apologizes and returns home. Later, she begins developing feelings for Wing-Ka, however the appearance of Ka Mei causes Yuet to become jealous.

Wing-Yuen is the one child that sided with Yun-Hung, due to him believing that he was the one who caused her miscarriage. After breaking up with Wing-Ka, Ka Mei begins dating Wing-Yuen, despite the protest of his siblings and mother. He later has a baby with Ka Mei, but, unsure if it is his, Ka Mei gets an abortion to avoid complications.

Wing-Ho constantly tells her to find a real job, and she finally gets a job as an office clerk. There she meets Kelvin, who begins to fall for her. Initially, Kelvin’s mother is against the relationship, but she eventually accepts Wing-Hing and allows them to get married.

Wing-Chung was separated from his family at a young age, being sent with So-Sum to England. His grades were very poor and he did not like university. Siu-Hor, seeing how much her son dislikes school, allows him to drop out.

Yan-Hung becomes jealous and finally decides to take legal action against Siu-Hor and Tai-Cho, wanting to take 90% of the family assets, leaving them with a mere 10%. To prevent Gwan-Lai from gathering evidence for the court case, Yan-Hung kills her. Despite losing the lawsuit, the family is still very happy. Wanting to destroy their happiness, Yan-Hung tells Ka Mei to hold a meeting to reveal that Wing-Yuen killed someone. However, seeing the error of her ways, Ka Mei instead reveals the Yan-Hung killed Sheh Gwan-Lai.

Due to the turn of events, Yan Hung faces murder charges. She tries to convince So Sum to lie and give false testimony and So Sum pretends to agree. Yan Hung later gives Sum 70% of her shares of the Moonlight Bakery as a present for So Sum and Dr. Ling’s “marriage”. Sum subsequently returns the shares to Tai Cho and Siu Hor and tells Yan Hung she will tell the truth behind Gwan Lai’s death. Yan Hung is convicted and sentenced, while Tai Cho tells her that he will give her 50% of the shares once she finishes her jail sentence. Wing Ho and So Sum finally get together, while Hou Yuet marries Wing Ka. In a scene taking place four years in the future, it is revealed that Wing Ka is alive in his late thirties. Yan Hung, now living abroad in New Zealand, refuses to take her half of Moonlight Bakery’s shares and approves of So Sum and Wing Ho’s relationship.


荷与祖其后结成夫妻,育有甘永家(陈豪饰)、甘永好(林峯饰)、甘永圆(黎诺懿饰)、甘咏庆(陈法拉饰)、甘永中(温家恒饰)以及一养女孙皓月(杨怡饰),加上其好姊妹红与丈夫离婚后独力抚养的女儿于素心(锺嘉欣饰),取名为家、好、月、圆、庆、中、秋,寓意著一个齐整而温馨的家,于每年中秋一家团圆。 红为报答荷,把全副精神及心机放在饼铺上,令饼铺的生意蒸蒸日上,而饼铺每年推出的月饼更大受街坊的欢迎,荷庆幸自己当年收留红,除得到一个得力助手外,更多了一个可以倾诉心事的好姊妹。


祖与荷的六个儿女,本来兄友弟恭、和睦相处,但因父母的离异,六兄弟姊妹被逼分散东西,法官逼不得已把家、圆、中判给祖,而荷则要独力抚养好、月、庆成人。从此,六兄弟姊妹再无法如往时般,在同一屋檐下共同生活及成长。 荷霎时间失去祖、红及家、圆、中,使荷受尽创伤及挫折。幸好在达、好、月、庆的支持下,能够重新振作起来,咬紧牙关渡过面前种种的难关,独力撑起整头家。

后来,早已移居葡萄牙多年的锺笑莎(关菊英饰)返港,在其姊荷家暂住,其实莎与丈夫在葡萄牙发生桃色纠纷,正办理离婚手续 ,因此莎正步荷后尘成失婚妇人。莎说话尖酸刻薄,爱搞风搞雨,立时成为荷家中的麻烦人物。莎一向不值祖当年背着荷与红搭上,抛妻弃子的负心汉所为,对祖更恨之入骨。


祖对荷负情薄幸,但对仔女却依然甚为疼锡,尤其对自己家中的家、圆及中更是特别紧张。祖虽然爱锡仔女,但却不像荷般懂得怎样管教他们,致使他与仔女间变得疏离。祖家总不及荷家那么乐也融融,充满着欢乐气氛,这是祖不得不承认的事实。由于祖有负于荷,心内理亏,总觉得对不起仔女,故此反而时常在仔女面前摆出一副严父的模样,希望赢回仔女的尊重,结果却令他与子女间更加生疏。 祖生性和稀泥,缺乏主见,一生注定受着两个女人的操控,逃不出老妈佘君丽(李香琴饰)及红的控制。纵然祖与荷分开,始终与她的关系欲断难断。祖夹在丽、红与荷三人之间,实在左右做人难。






Release Date: 28 July 2008 – 21 September 2008
Language: Cantonese
Genre: Comedy, Drama, TV Series, HK Drama
Running Time: 40 Episodes
Director: Lau Ka Ho (刘家豪)

Stars Cast
Moses Chan (陈豪) 甘永家 (前新维公关公司职员, 揸勤公关公司负责人, 阿卡, 揸沽, 甘乐文)
Raymond Lam (林峯) 甘永好 (荷妈老饼家做饼师傅, 甘泰祖、锺笑荷之次子, 管家仔, 阿好, 甘乐生, 撒亚人, 饼碎)
Bosco Wong (黄宗泽) 凌至信 (妇产科医生, Dr.Ling, 凌B)
Louise Lee (李司棋) 锺笑荷 (荷妈老饼家老板娘, 阿荷, 荷妈, 荷姐, 肥嘢)
Ha Yu (夏雨) 甘泰祖 (家好月圆饼家之大老板, 佘君丽之长子, Jo饱, 阿祖, 祖哥, 负心郎)
Michelle Yim (米雪) 殷红 (本剧大反派, 家好月圆饼家之前老板娘, 红姨, 红姐, 阿红, 铁人红, 狐狸精, 响尾蛇)
Susanna Kwan (关菊英) 锺笑莎 (锺泛达之继女, 锺笑荷之妹, Salina, Sa姨, 攞婆, 阿Sa)
Linda Chung (锺嘉欣) 于素心 (实习医生, Cece, Dr.Yu, 阿秋, 心女, 于素秋)
Lee Heung Kam (李香琴) 佘君丽 (佘丽梅之姊, 甘泰祖、甘泰全之母, 嫲嫲, 奶奶, 甘老太)
Tavia Yeung (杨怡) 孙皓月 (新维公关公司职员,后辞职, 攞女(锺笑莎专称)阿月)
Kate Tsui (徐子珊) 路嘉美 (前揸勤公关公司职员, Camie, 嘉美, 唐山大兄)
Fala Chen (陈法拉) 甘咏庆 (广告公司职员, 阿庆, 哑女, Wing)
Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) 年子勇 (前家好月圆饼家师傅, 荷妈老饼家师傅)
Louis Yuen (阮兆祥) 袁恩赐 (锺笑莎之男友, 锺笑荷之妹夫)
Lokyi Lai (黎诺懿) 甘永圆 (钟笑荷、甘泰祖之三子)

Moonlight Resonance Trailer:


Cantonese Episodes:


English Subtitles Episodes:

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